Seattle coroners should consider mobbing in cases where poisonous gases are involved

In recent posts I’ve reported the likelihood that the residential “clearers” who call themselves “mobbers” deliberately vent, draft or pipe asphyxiant or otherwise noxious gases into homes they want to clear. One of the ways this may be accomplished is through household venting systems, which exist in both water and heating systems. It’s possible that sump pumps, generators, or other systems are used both to drain water from traps and then to fill it with a gaseous substance. At the Albany house, I believe that until I had it unplugged, water may have been used to trigger a sump pump in a crawl space under a bedroom. At least some of the noxious matter may be gaseous waste from their own heating systems. The practice may be part of a philosophy of derision they express by shunting waste products from their own homes over to yours. You can imagine the possibilities.

(06/14/24: Water appears to be used as carrier and amplifier. For example, a burbling fountain or koi pond at the property line of a neighboring yard may actually be strategic. I have also considered the corroded components, probably electrical, that were placed atop the fence on either side of the pond. With breakers off as mine are during the nights, these vessels supply or augment the “flows” they use to wake me. It appears that the drainage system of a dishwasher is highly conducive to mobbing, probably because of the dishwasher trapping system. At both the Albany and the Seattle house, emptying the sink and washing water down the dishwasher side of the sink ameliorates both sound and sediment from the mobbing. A fountain also appears to have been placed at or into hedging in Seattle that has been systematically cut into and thinned by the north mobbing house owner. The flow of the water in this case may be used more as amplifier than carrier. There are also gaseous substances that can flow with water and the transmission of vented gases that should not be breathed has increased, perhaps through hose and pipe. There’s only one way to deal with people who construct clandestine, elaborate and lethal systems to extort and coerce their neighbors, battering and more than likely killing people along the way, all the way hiding under cover of civil complaints. These rings need to be broken up and prosecuted so that what they do is exposed and discouraged. The compendium of the means they’ve devised to harm, especially with the involvement of those who may be male supremacists and those who are at least ex-military, is likely to astound.)

This appears to be a tactic that is used when the mobbing victim is alone or isolated from others in the household by virtue of the plumbing system or the manner of distribution. It’s possible that sewer laterals are involved, making it a mobbing exploit best executed from neighboring dwellings. Because it appears to be an exploit that may result in “blow-back” to one or more of the mobbing houses, or may require the production of an excessive amount of gaseous waste product, it’s possible that some vacate the mobbing houses in advance of the exploit. The fact that the tactic is used even in homes that do not power central heating with natural gas, and the fact that the mobbers appear to be able to enable or disable the phenomenon at will should help to clarify that it is not an accident–it is a strategy used at least to warn or to sicken.

More on accidental poisoning and deaths and their historic connection to “gas lighting” in an upcoming post.