Updates on the meaning of monitoring

Some changes have been made to the blog entry, Caution: The meaning of monitoring, to better describe the implications that monitoring has for any investigation into real estate mobbing or other crimes in which victims are monitored. Monitoring is a prominent aspect of real estate mobbing, especially in cases where mobbing real estate speculators move into residences flanking the victim house to crowd and better harass the victim out of the house and to then turn over the property for speculation. Expect to see this type of strategy in gentrifying neighborhoods where anti-renter neighborhood watches support the expulsion of renters and believe that the only appropriate home owner investment is flipping. Harassing (“mobbing”) a tenant out of his legal home to force a “reluctant owner” to sell is a real estate scam, one that reveals the vast disregard for the constitutional rights of those who lease their homes. ▪

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